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False pleasure versus true pleasure and emotional eating

When it comes to getting in shape it is vital you have control over how you use food to handle emotions. One element of this is how food is related to pleasure.

When it comes to pleasure there is a distinction between a true and false pleasure feeling. A false pleasure is when a behaviour makes you feel less bad about how you already are feeling (therefore making it appear it has given you pleasure) while a true pleasure is something that makes you feel good when you are in a neutral or happy state already. Food can certainly provide a true pleasure but where it starts causing trouble is if it is used to provide a false pleasure.

False pleasure

When you are using food to provide a false pleasure you are really trying to deaden or suppress an emotion. Sadly food provides no long term effects on your emotions and serves only to distract you mind for a very short time period and of course ruin your body in the process.

Eating to relive an emotion is characterized by consuming very similar foods time in time out. After a 100 bits of cake you would have thought the pleasure would have worn off by now. Watching a TV show can provide great pleasure but would you watch the same TV episode a 100 times?

The excitement does not wear off because each time you eat it you are masking the underlying emotion and thus providing temporary relief (false pleasure).

AS food does not EVER address an emotion the benefits of eating it lasts only a very short period of time, at which point you will go into a negative emotional state once more where the mind asks for neutralizing again. Have you noticed you want to eat more when you are bored? Nothing to do? Feeling down? Worried? It is very common to grab some foods at this point because it will distract your mind from that emotion.

True Pleasure

Eating to experience a feeling (as opposed to deadening an emotion) is an action bourne out of excitement or joy - It is a true pleasure. It relates to trying new foods, restaurants and cooking techniques. The goal is to experience the taste of food and the effect on the body. When eating this way variety becomes the key. You want to try different techniques, foods and tastes. This style of eating provides you with an actual pleasure by trying the new foods and the satisfaction from making it etc. It expands your horizons (as opposed to trying to deaden an emotion).

This style of eating forms the basis of the many thousands of cookery books and cooking shows on TV. When this is combined with the social fun of dinner parties and social events you can see how the term eating for pleasure could be coined.

In general this type of eating bring much fewer problems. It does not rely on having to have one food group or item. You can easily work around any foods your body wants you to avoid and usually know exactly when to stop.

Pleasure and happiness

Happiness has four different types of levels within it. These are pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment and enlightenment. Pleasure is the shortest lived of the different types and the weakest. However, it is also the easiest to obtain. There are hundreds of things that you can do which provide happiness, these can range from sending a text, to stroking a dog in the park or watching your favourite TV show.

Where pleasure gets its bad name is from false pleasures. This is because they represent food addictions. To avoid using false pleasures you need to control your emotions and use substitute pleasure activities other than eating junk food. Simultaneously to this you should look at ways of increasing the amount of happiness within all areas of your life.

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