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Change Your Thinking - Change Your Shape -

Daily Motivation Tips - Why, How, When, What?

Sometimes questions are a great way to get straight to the problem areas of why you are not getting results. An inability to answer a question may just be as insightful as knowing an answer immediately. What always surprises me is how the behaviour someone is using to get in shape very often does not correspond to the answer they give about what they need most to get results.

If you are failing to get results because you have no willpower to stop eating junk foods then the correct course of action is not going to the gym one more time next week, it is learning about controlling eating and developing will power etc (Remember will power is not a long term mental strategy that brings success).

One of the most important things you can do is test your theory of how to get results instead of believing it blindly. If you believe you are not in shape because you do too little exercise and this is the how you believe weight loss occurs, e.g. more exercise = more calories burnt, then how can you test it? Simple, you start doing some exercise. If you lose all the body fat then you were right. If not, then you need to look at other reasons and begin to question if you are not wrong on some of your theories.

The problem is that people do not change their answers! They assume what they think must be right and then keep flogging the dead horse until they are so despondent that they give up! But what if it was not about the reasons you think it should be? If you were wrong in your answers there is a good chance you are wrong in your approach which means you will be a long time waiting to get results.

A point to note, if you cannot test your hypothesis because you cannot stick to it then the block is in your mind or your plan simply is wrong. The old excuse "I know it would work if I could just stick to it" does not cut it! Use a mind – behaviour change strategy and not just do more of what you are already doing.

If your weight loss model works you should be getting results, if you cannot stick to it, or you are not getting results......your model is wrong! Argue until you are blue in the face that you are right (as lots of people like to do) but as ever, you can never trick the body and the results will not lie when you are next on the beach.

Mind – body change exercises

Answer these questions and use the answers to chart your next course of action

  • Why are you not in shape?
  • How do you know that is the reason?
  • How can you test this theory?
  • How do you lose weight (fat) in general
  • Test your hypothesis of why you are not in shape by focusing on this issue over the next few weeks.
  • Return to these questions once more after you have spent a few weeks testing your theory.

Helping you Change your thinking and change your shape...

Ben Wilson

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